Friday, September 19, 2008

Class Retrospective :: 9/15/08

This was one of the most fun class discussions we've had yet.

Main Entry:
sub·vert (\səb-ˈvərt\)
transitive verb
Middle English, from Anglo-French subvertir, from Latin subvertere, literally, to turn from beneath, from sub- + vertere to turn — more at worth
14th century
1 : to overturn or overthrow from the foundation : ruin
Subversion is a lot of fun. I thought that discussing ways of breaking rules without breaking them was very interesting. I also thought it was good to recognize that the only way to successfully subvert the rules is, in fact, to know them and know how to follow them first. It's only through knowing the purpose for the rules that you can break or bend them while they still have the same effect. In essence, it's why looking both ways keeps jaywalking from killing us!

But now, I can't think of anything else when I'm on the road: How can I go straight through the red light without stopping?

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