Monday, December 8, 2008

Well, that's freaky.

It was exciting, making a fool of myself on purpose! The class seemed to enjoy it, too. I'm not sure that mine was the best, though...I think the comic strip about Jack Kirby's life was slightly better. But it was really cool to get to see what the rest of the class thought was fascinating and inspirational. Really cool.

But this is freaky: right after I got home, I found this on a website I frequent:

Freaky! Blue Man Group. Who'd have thought?

Serendipitous? I think so.

1 comment:

spyroterra said...

I know Sonshine! And Picasso was big into painting with light.

David, you are a blessing to have in a class. Really. I enjoyed working with you this semester. Keep at it. I am proud of you for dancing! That took balls! But my favorite thing you did all semester was the medicine bottle - Schrodinger/Atwell's pill bottle. I carry it in my car. you really pushed a good button in me with that one. And that is the selfish reason I love this class. Sometimes I am the one who receives the inspiration, so thank you for that! Keep in touch.